Friday, October 7, 2016

Kneeling during the US National Anthem

         In August San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick sat down or took a knee during the national anthem to call out police violence in America. His act of protest followed several police shootings of black men this summer including the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile in July. Many disagree with what he and others in the NFL are doing and some completely agree with. Also high school football teams are doing it too. You either agree with what he is doing or think it is disrespectful. Are you going to kneel with Colin or are you going to stand for the national anthem?      

 Image result for 49er that kneels during the national anthem


  1. I found it interesting that he knelled during the national anthem.I was wondering how does this call out all of the police violence. Wouldn't it just be disrespectful to all of the veterans that fought for our freedom?

  2. I think that Colin Kaepernick should be able to do what he did. I don't think it was disrespectful that he kneeled, mainly because the link I found included quotes from Kaepernick that said he thinks the situation was spun an entirely new way. he was peacefully protesting racist injustice in police officers. In addition, he applauded when they addressed military officers during a break in the game. This is the link I used:

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think kneeling during thee national anthem is completely OK. They are using there 2nd amendment privileges to show something is wrong in america, and there is something wrong in america. They are doing this because they are mad that every time they see an African american interact with police in the news, they get shot. What do you think about the situation as a whole?

  5. I think Colin cappenick should not be kneeling it is disrespect. Stats say that more black people kill black people than white people kill black people. It is only racist when a white person kills a black not when a a black kills a white.Why do you think he is acting like this?
